Check out the New LYFE VESSEL website!
(see bottom of page for links)
LYFE Blu Protector
This special and very unique design was created by Dr. Martinez in representation to his LYFE VESSEL that he designed, built and are now being opened all over the world!
LYFE Blu Protector is a Dodecahedron shape which is one of the 5 Platonic Solids. Dodecahedron represents the spirit or Aether, connected to our lifeforce and higher knowledge. The LYFE Blu Protector helps limit the negative effects from nanotechnology found in medicine, food and various chemicals which invade our biological system and wreck havoc. Just like the other Blu Protector's, the LYFE Blu Protector is created with sacred geometry in mind. You will continue to have peace of mind knowing that you can be protected from the harmful and damaging effects of EMR's/EMF's. The LYFE Blu Protector is just another intelligent way to protect you and your family!

Pyramid Blu Protector
Pyramid Blu Protector has some slight upgrades from the other Blu Protectors. It is bigger in size which allows us to add more frequency to help defeat the nanotechnology that is found in medicine, food and various chemicals which invade our biological system and wreak havoc.
The Pyramid Blu Protector is a great way to help limit the effects from cellular (including 5G), WiFi, and other EMFs (Electromagnetic Fields). Created with the same unique sacred geometry in mind to help with Meditation and Focus and to protect you and your family from EMR's/EMFs! The Pyramid Blu Protector is designed to protect your home, office, bedroom, vehicles and can be taken on an airplane. It is also small in size and portable. You will continue to have peace of mind knowing that you are protected from harmful and damaging EMR's/EMF's while on the go! The torus field is the size of 12 feet.

The Most Advanced Regeneration Chamber on The Planet
Designed for regeneration at the cellular level using sacred geometry along with a combination of healing frequency generating materials.
With the possibility to create an atmosphere of zero EMF and radiation which gives a neutral environment for your body to absorb the healing frequencies that are utilized within the LYFE Vessel.
Your body is designed to absorb and utilize light and frequency for healing and regeneration. The LYFE Vessel enhances those innate abilities and increases those abilities exponentially.
Please contact us for more information or visit the new website www.LYFEVESSEL.com
(Patent Pending)
The LYFE Bench is designed using the same sound and light frequencies as well as sacred geometry as the LYFE VESSEL! These specific technology applications can gently heal and regenerate the body at the cellular level. Certain sound frequencies have been known to decrease viral load and increase immune system function. As well as giving your cells energy that your body needs to function and heal.
Pleaes contact us for more information or visit the new website at www.lyfevessel.com
(Patent Pending)

LYFE VESSEL and the Flower of LYFE

Protective Energy
Blu Protector uses a USB that can be plugged directly into your computer or using a USB cube to be plugged into an outlet where it produces a torus field filled with electrons. These electrons neutralize free radicals and form a protective layer of electrons on your body. When radiation from cellular, WiFi, and other EMF sources comes in contact with you, the electrons provide protection from radiation penetrating your body and reacting with cell membranes. Blu Protector users reported increased energy, stamina, focus and reduced feelings of stress while at home, work and while traveling.
*Designed for Offices and Large areas
*Designed for 5G protection
*Coverage up to 18m in every direction with the most effective being about 4m
*Uses multiple scalar waveform outputs
*Great for homes and offices where EMF is high
*Great protection from microwave radiation
*May have some detox effect
*Protection from a wide range of equipment
*May reduce fatigue associated with EMF
*May reduce some EMF symptoms
*Promotes emotional stability
*Helps maintain a level of alertness
*Enables restful sleep
*May increase energy levels

Blu Protector Technology and How It Works
Influence of Electromagnetic Fields on Lead Toxicity: A Study of Conformational Changes in the Human Blood Proteins Electromagnetic fields (EMF) are associated with oxidative stress, which in turn associated oxygen (ROS), anemia and hypoxia. (read more)

Effects of Electromagnetic Fields Exposure on the Antioxidant Defense System: Technological devices have become essential components of daily life. However, their deleterious effects on the body, particularly on the nervous system, are well known. (read more)